Thursday, December 9, 2010

The end is near..

Well today is the LAST day of the semester finals start monday and I thought I would reflect on my thoughts. First and formost I want you to know that this class has been, well special to say the least and I will miss all of theese people dearly, yes EVEN Louis. Let me tell you a bit about everyone left in the class:

Nam- Well I dont know what to say about Nam I have never really talked to the guy. I do know he has missed more class than me and thats saying alot!

Justin-Started out as 'That Guy" you know the one who reminds the teacher about homework and quizzes...the annoying one who knows everything. Well now Justin is one of us. I cant go into details as my teacher is going to read this but, yes he has come to the dark side. Welcome Justin we have cookies!!!

April-Shes not in our class anymore but she deserves to be mentioned.

I think shes what brought Justin out of his shell. April was loud, rude, crude but sometimes pretty funny...

Lorianne- Has crispy hair and a warm heart She makes me laugh all the time. Lorianne is someone I can call my friend. She is also a member of the dark side but totally awesome. We call her the Checkpoint Champ!!! She always has her checkpoints done first and the fastest. She can't be beat!!!

This brings me to:

Sara-Has greasy hair...not really but I tease her about it. Shes pretty amazing SOO funny she can always make you smile! Sara works with old people and that deserves mad respect. She even claims she can do it without scarcasm...amazing another friend for life took me to breakfast for my birthday becasue she was "sick" at my birthday dinner and lines had to be drawn

Louis-wants to leave early

Jonathon-my in class husband

Took one for the team during power point presentations made the longest powerpoint EVER just so we wouldnt have to listen to lecture

Safa- wonderful person super sweet makes me smile and I will consider a true friend for life! Cracked me up ALL semester! Has

Lena and Christina-I got nothing

Billy-comes in alte with Any EVERYDAY we think they have a thing but we just can't prove it yet.

Any-Has great hugs and we think she has a thing for Billy but maybe no we just don't know know she smiles if we bring it up...SMELLS AMAZING

Romika-sits next to Any and gives me hugs when Any is not here.

Last but not least we have Shane aka Sha

The overachiever but once you get to know him pretty funny guy!!!

Thats about it that is my class weird wacky and wonderful thats them. They will be truly missed!!!